Horseshoe Nursery - 217 Horseshoe Rd, Leola PA 17540 - Sales: 717-656-8057 - Fax: 717-656-8807 - Office Tel: 717-656-8057
An experienced grower focused on producing quality plants at a great price
Celebrating 18 years in business.
Horseshoe Nursery has the proven expertise that our customers depend on. Our customers consist of Garden Centers, Nurseries, Plant ReWholesale Yards & Landscapers. Horseshoe Nursey... Where quality plants and affordable prices go together.
Horseshoe Nursery - 217 Horseshoe Rd, Leola PA 17540
Sales Tel: 717-656-8057 - Sales Fax: 717-656-8807 - Office Tel: 717-656-8057
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